About us

The France China Foundation is the China chapter of the Fondation France-Asie.
It is a platform for dialogue between French and Chinese civil societies. Set up in 2012, this not-for-profit organisation aims to enable people to compare points of view, foster the development of lasting links between French and Chinese personalities, stimulate their interest in the other country and encourage the creation of joint projects.

Our goals
Promote respect for fundamental rights and values, and protection of the planet.
Encourage projects in line with the Foundation's values and the Indo-Pacific strategies of France and the EU.
Disseminate knowledge of Asian countries in France, and of France in Asia.
Promoting dialogue and friendship between French and Asian personalities.

Our Organisation

The France China Foundation is based in Paris and has a representative office in Shanghai.
The “Young Leaders” program is the France China Foundation’s flagship program.
It is carried out in partnership with the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA).

Petit déjeuner autour de Lionel M. Ni, Président de HKUST (Guangzhou)
La Fondation France-Asie et son chapitre France-China Foundation accueillent une délégation de la HKUST (Guangzhou) autour de son président, Prof. Lionel M. NI.

Rencontre avec LIU Sheng, CEO de CAOCAO
La Fondation France-Asie et son chapitre France-China Foundation accueillent LIU Sheng, CEO de CAOCAO, qui évoquera le sujet des villes face aux défis de la mobilité : quelle stratégie de transition vers l'électrification des transports ?