The France China Foundation launched in 2023 the France China Climate Initiative to reinforce dialogue and cooperation on climate change mitigation.
It foster bonds between experts, officials and entrepreneurs engaged in various aspects of climate change mitigation actions in France/Europe and China. Its approach is hands-on, focused on technical issues and sector-level dynamics.
Launch seminar :« Will China Meet Its Climate Commitments? » discussion with dr. WANG Yong and the Young Leaders of the France China Foundation (25 November 2023)
This Initiative is supported by the European Climate Foundation.
For more information, please contact :
Irene Hors, Head, France China Climate Initiative and Co-Founder, Fondation France-Asie :
Tuesday, December 19, 2023, the Sth edition of the France-China Track 2 was held in Paris, bringing together French and Chinese experts, officials and
journalists. After three years of the COVID crisis, in a tense geopolitical context, the exchanges took stock of the France/Europe-China relationship,
acknowledging its complexity. Discussions also focused on trade and investment relations and cooperation in facing the climate challenge (industrial
decarbonization, tripartite Africa-China-France cooperation).
Created in 2018, the France-China Track 2 is an initiative of the France China Foundation (FCF), the China chapter of the France-Asia Foundation
(FFA), and the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA).
Thank you to Mr. Ji Bingxuan, Vice-President of the 13th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, Ms. Carole Bureau-Bonnard, Vice-
President of the National Assembly (2017-19), Mr. Wang Chao, President of CPIFA, Ms. Shi Ling, Vice-President of CPIFA, Mr. Nicolas Maquin and Ms.
Irène Hors, co-founders of the FFA, and all the French and Chinese speakers:
French speakers: David Baverez, Sylvie Bermann, Anne-Laure Cattelot, Joseph Dellatte, Stéphane Crouzat, Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Thomas
Friedberger, Etienne Giros, Pierre Haski, Sébastien Jean, Marc Julienne, Sylvie Matelly, Jean-Raphaël Peytregnet, Sébastien Treyer, Laurence Tubiana,
Christian Yoka.
Chinese speakers: Xie Zhenhua, Jiang Xiaojuan, Gao Yan, Xu Huaqing, Li Zheng, Xu Chen, Li Yan, Yang Xiaorong, Chu Kaimin, Gao Yuanyuan, Wang
Wen, Gao Xiang.
Thank you to Allen & Overy France for hosting the France-China Track 2 in their Paris offices.
The 2024 edition of Track 2 will take place in Beijing on December 10, 2024. For more information on the France-China Track 2 or to participate in the
2024 edition, please contact Irene Hors:
©Christinne Muschi, Reuters
In the framework of its France China Climate Initiative, the France China Foundation conducted a project on Crossed Perceptions on Climate Action
in France/Europe and China. Based on a selection of recent French and Chinese publications over more than a year, the study analysed the perception in
France of China’s climate mitigation actions and the perception in China of France/Europe’s, as reflected in each nation’s media coverage.
To discover the main conclusions of this analysis, we invite you to read the summary in the Foundation’s publication Nouveaux Regards, or to access the full version below.
FCF Report_Crossed Perceptions on Climate Action
The findings of this study were published on the Institut Montaigne website, in french and in english.
They were also presented at international conferences:
- On October 5, 2024, in Brussels, as part of the European Guanxi Youth Conference.
- On December 12, 2024, in Shanghai, as part of the 4th Franco-Chinese Forum on Carbon Neutrality.
Why does it matter ?
The collective dynamics underpinning climate change mitigation can be compared to a prisoner’s dilemma situation. Climate change mitigation has
a political and economic cost, so what other countries do, in particular the US, Europe and China, and the perception of the progress these make are
likely to impact how governments and populations dose their efforts. And this perception is highly influenced by the media.
For more information, please contact
Séverine Bardon and Irene Hors at and
In the framework of its France China Climate Initiative, the France China Foundation is developing a project on Building Decarbonation in France and
Why focus on building decarbonation?
The stakes are high: the building and construction sector represents 37% of global energy related emissions, 34% of global energy demand and 50%
of materials consumption. France and China have an important role to play: France spearheads the Buildings Breakthrough Initiative and the building
sector in China accounts for a large part of its GHG emissions: in 2019, prior to the COVID crisis, the construction of civil buildings represented 16% of
the total emissions and building operations, 22%.
Why now?
China and France signed an MOU on Sustainable Urban Development in December 2023: this initiative will contribute to its implementation. Besides,
countries are expected to issue updated NDCs in 2025, providing an opportunity to reinforce commitments related to building decarbonation.
What is the purpose of this project?
The purpose is to:
Develop a community of French and Chinese experts and officials engaged in building decarbonation, based on trust and mutual interest, and create
a space for dialogue with a view to informing and shaping France-China cooperation in this field. à
Reinforce French expertise on China and building decarbonation, in connection with other European organizations and Paris-based international
organizations such as OECD and IEA.
Exchange views on policies for a building decarbonation pathway.
Raise mutual interest to carry out pilot projects.
For more information, please contact
Jean Le Pavec and Irene Hors at and
Voir plus
Forum Track 2 France-Chine
Mardi 19 décembre 2023 s’est tenue à Paris la 5e édition du Track 2 France-Chine, réunissant experts, officiels et journalistes français et chinois

Forum Track 2 France-Chine
La France China Foundation (FCF), chapitre Chine de la Fondation France-Asie, a organisé le 10 décembre 2024, en collaboration avec l’Institut des Affaires étrangères du peuple chinois (CPIFA) la 6e édition du Track 2 France-Chine.